I have been really busy over the past few weeks working on an order of custom jumps, including a beautiful but time consuming faux brick wall. Therefore, I have not had much time to write. However, in honor of the arrival of spring and the new green grass, I wanted to take this opportunity to share an article I wrote several years ago about how hay is produced, featuring a local farming family, the Ritchies of Inglewood Farm.
“Nature’s first green is gold” – Robert Frost
When spring comes at last after another cold, bleak winter,
and the fields of Virginia
start turning green, this poem always comes to my mind. For to horse owners and
the farmers that supply them, the green grass truly is gold – beautiful, leafy,
gold-green hay.
To walk a mile in Bill Ritchie’s shoes, you’d better be fit,
hard working, patient, part mechanic, part weatherman and love working outdoors.
You also must handle stress well, multitask and be good at dealing with people.
A farmer’s life is not an easy one, but Bill Ritchie, of Inglewood Farm in Bealeton, VA,
wouldn’t trade it for anything else. “I love the fact that I just walk out of
my house and I’m at work. No commuting,” he explains. “I also like that I do
something different nearly every day.”
Mmmmmmmmm... |
Farming is a Ritchie family tradition. Bill’s grandfather,
Wilbur Ritchie, originally purchased Inglewood
farm approximately 70 years ago. He had four sons, including Bill’s father,
Calvin, who was the only one to stay on and farm the land. In addition to the
farming, Calvin started a grain business, Fauquier Grain Company, which was
later sold and became Fauquier Feed. While Calvin was busy with the grain
business, which included bagged and bulk feed for a variety of livestock and
fertilizer, Bill grew up farming and gradually took over that aspect of the
The Ritchie family turned its full attention to farming once
the grain company was sold and expanded the business by leasing land. They
currently farm approximately 2000 acres, of which the family owns roughly 500.
In addition to producing hay, Inglewood Farm grows and harvests soybeans, corn,
wheat and barley. The wheat and barley both help produce another golden
“byproduct” – straw. Inglewood
is also known locally for having the best sweet corn in the area. I can
personally attest to that; if you see the “sweet corn” sign out on Route 17, a
few miles south of Bealeton, it is worth the trip up the long gravel drive to
pick some up.
The average person might think that producing hay is easy…
it is, after all, just dried up grass, right? The process is actually
surprisingly complex and takes about three days to complete. First, the grass is,
indeed, cut and allowed to lie on the ground for a day. The next day it is
tedded, or fluffed, to allow for better and more thorough drying. On the third
day, the moisture level is checked with a tester – Inglewood does not bale any hay which tests
over 15% moisture – and then raked into rows. Once raked into these windrows,
it can be baled immediately.
Of course, this is assuming that the weather is good for
three consecutive days. Cutting is planned with this in
Tractor pulling a round baler |
The soil must also be properly prepared and maintained for
optimum production. Generally speaking, the soil only needs to be tilled every
three or four years. Seeding is also done at this time, though overseeding may
occasionally be of benefit in between tilling cycles. Fertilizer is applied in
early spring, with additional nitrogen applications between cuttings throughout
the season.
Depending on a number of factors including type of hay grown
and the weather, a farmer can expect up to three or four cuttings from a hay
field over the course of a growing season. The first cutting, which is usually
harvested in early May, is a bit coarser than subsequent cuttings, but it also
yields the most hay per acre. Bill estimates that he can harvest roughly 100
bales per acre from the first cutting, whereas that number drops dramatically
to 20 or even just 10 bales per acre for later cuttings.
Raking hay into rows |
Orchardgrass, timothy and alfalfa are the most commonly
produced hays in our area. Inglewood
focuses on orchardgrass hay but also grows a little timothy. They offer both
the traditional square bales and the much larger round bales. All hay is stored
inside immediately after baling. Inglewood
is fortunate to have acquired a hay stacking machine in recent years,
eliminating the arduous chore of stacking the square bales manually, as many
farms still must.
Bill cautions that hay production is the least profitable of
his farming endeavors. He further recommends that anyone interested in hay
production consider the difficulty of making a reasonable profit. The machinery
is expensive, both in initial cost and maintenance and repairs. You must also
consider fuel, fertilizer and seed costs as well as labor costs, unless you
have free help at your disposal. He emphasizes that “you really have to have a
decent amount of acreage as well – preferably several hundred. You just can’t
make a profit on less acreage.”
In addition to the cost, there’s the sheer hard work. You
must endure long days in the blazing hot sun and being assaulted by insects and
dust. .Inglewood is fortunate to have tractors with climate-controlled cabs,
but many farmers do not… I have seen many homemade “shades,” including
umbrellas tied to the tractor; as they say, necessity is the mother of
Rows of hay ready for baling |
Our hay producers have certainly earned our respect and
thanks. It is a very difficult job, stressful, tedious and unpredictable at
times. So many things can go awry, particularly in regard to the weather… a
drought or particularly wet season can ruin a crop. Yet our horses depend on
the fruits of their labors, quite literally. It is important that we help
support our local farmers and, on a larger scale, that we care about and help
conserve the open land and the environment itself on which they (and we)
depend. Otherwise, the last line of Frost’s poem may come to fruition on a
permanent rather than cyclical basis: “Nothing gold can stay.”